(Financial crowdfunding in the European union: Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 on European crowdfunding service providers of business)

Nº 1 / 2021 - enero-marzo

(Financial crowdfunding in the European union: Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 on European crowdfunding service providers of business)

Carmen Estevan de Quesada
Universidad de Valencia


The increasing economic importance of crowdfunding since the beginning of the present century, together with the legal problems that these transactions may give rise to, have determined the national regulations that were enacted during the second decade of the 21st century. In view of the progressive national regulatory fragmentation that was
occurring in the European Union and the call by the legal doctrine, the authorities and the industry for a European legislative action, the Commission presented in 2018 a Proposal for a Regulation in this field. This paper analyzes the meaning and content of the corresponding rules finally approved: Regulation 2020/1503, that shall apply from 10 November 2021.

Keywords: financial crowdfunding, crowdlending, crowdinvesting, regulation, European Union.