Unanimity or not in order to introduce in the Statute of the Companies in Spain the clauses tag along, drag along or bring along in the momento of sale the shares

Nº 1 / 2021 - enero-marzo

Unanimity or not in order to introduce in the Statute of the Companies in Spain the clauses tag along, drag along or bring along in the momento of sale the shares

Antonio Sotillo Marti
Universitat de Valencia


This paper analyzes the different opportunities for venture capital in the field of business restructuring in a post-pandemic scenario.
Specifically, it will address investment options in companies in which venture capital funds are already partners, as well as opportunities to participate in the restructuring of new businesses and to make such investments profitable through the instrument of credit capitalization. Additionally, the role of the venture capital funds in the face of the
new Directive on preventive restructuring frameworks will be discussed.

Keywords: Clauses tag along, drag along y bring along. Statutes of the Companies. Majority, Rights of the partnerships.