Capital riesgo y la responsabilidad social de la empresa Abstract

Nº 1 / 2020 - enero-marzo

Capital riesgo y la responsabilidad social de la empresa

Juan Bataller Grau
“Manuel Broseta Pont” - Universitat de València
Irene Córdoba-Mochales
“Manuel Broseta Pont” - Universitat de València


Corporate Social Responsibility has been evolving progressively unto its current reinforcement. In the present work the main milestones in its development will be adressed, devoting especial attention to Socially Responsible Investment. Once exposed an overarching framework, a snapshot of the current implementation in venture capital industry will be taken based on the information published by the companies

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsability (CSR), Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), environmental, social and governance factors (ESG), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Global Compact, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Venture Capital & Private Equity.