Funds of private equity funds: regulatory and tax analysis Abstract

Nº 1 / 2020 - enero-marzo

Funds of private equity funds: regulatory and tax analysis

Miguel Sánchez Monjo
Paz Irazusta
Carlos Posadas


Under the current conditions of the financial markets, funds of private equity funds are attracting the attention of private equity firms for its distribution among their
clients. These funds may be marketed to non-professional investors under certain legal requirements. This article analyzes the main features of this type of funds, from
the regulatory and internal functioning perspectives, by identifying its main specificities in comparison with other private equity funds. Moreover, this article analyzes, from
a tax perspective, the main aspects to take into account at the level of the funds of private equity funds and in relation to the income received by its investors. orologi replica

Keywords: funds of funds, private equity, private banking, alternative investment, retail investors.