Investment in Risk Capital under the insurance regulation) Abstract

Nº 4 / 2018 - octubre-diciembre

Investment in Risk Capital under the insurance regulation)

Tomás Filoso
EBN Capital, S.G.I.I.C.
Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Rico
Soluciones Holísticas para Internet
José Martínez
Soluciones Holísticas para Internet


The article reviews the Solvency II regulations and their impact on capital consumption in insurance companies that maintain investments in venture capital vehicles. Its main conclusions are:

The neutrality of the regulation has advanced considerably in relation to investment typologies, issuers, sectors and similars in the absence of maximum limits. The impact is equal to similar investments. There are certain types of investments that are
especially favored by the regulations and that are reviewed in the article. The regulation has a certain complexity.

Keywords: Solvency II, type 2, look through, long term, strategic, infrastructure, penalization.