(The infl uence of Luxembourg in the private equity sector: vehicles and advantages for the Spanish market)

Nº 4 / 2017 - octubre - diciembre

(The infl uence of Luxembourg in the private equity sector: vehicles and advantages for the Spanish market)

Enrique Sánchez de Castro Martín-Luengo
PwC Madrid


Luxembourg is a key fi nancial centre for the European and global private equity industry, offering a large variety of funds and investment vehicles, both regulated and non-regulated.

In this regard, the SIF, the SICAR and the RAIF are the vehicles most used by the private equity players due to their characteristics and attractive legal, regulatory and tax features.

Keywords: Risk capital, funds, regulated, non-regulated, SIF, SICAR, RAIF, Luxembourg, capital markets union, crowdfunding, CMU, AIFMD, EuVECA, EuSEF, ELTIF, JEREMIE y EIF.