How do seed capital investment vehicules or business angels valuate
an invesment in a startup

Nº 2 / 2016 - abril-junio

How do seed capital investment vehicules or business angels valuate
an invesment in a startup

Bruno Dureux
Socio Director de Bal Partners


The lack of historical information we have to analyze a Startup, makes that more classic techniques of valuation of companies are difficult to apply to discuss which is going to be the percentage of participation of an investor in the company, in exchange for his cash contribution.

However, in last years various methodologies have been developed, and these are the ones we are going to analyze in this article, enabling to carry out reasonable approximations, which can facilitate negotiation between the parties in a process of investment in this type of companies.

Keywords: Startups, valoración, métricas, exits, Venture Capital, Business Angels.