Operaciones de M&A: Fases y principales componentes. Abstract

Nº 1 / 2016 - enero-marzo

Operaciones de M&A: Fases y principales componentes.

José Manuel Novas Pérez
Ignacio López Domínguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The following lines start outlining the diversity and complexity of Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) as configured in relation to a multiplicity of factors, among which could be highlighted those related to the type of operation and the process. The distinction between organized processes and which are not as outlining factor that allows us to observe the common elements in these processes is then introduced. Next step is offered as a schematic view of the organized process of selling a company summary, regardless of its possible variants, its main stages and activities, documents and decisions involved.

Keywords: Process in Mergers and Acquisitions, stages, documents and decisions.