High tech firms valuation: risk analysis and displaced binomial model

Nº 4 / 2014 - octubre-diciembre

High tech firms valuation: risk analysis and displaced binomial model

Gastón Milanesi
Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina)
Gabriela Pesce
Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina)
Emilio El Alabi
Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina)


The paper shows a valuation model integrating scenarios technique, real option theory and sensibility analysis for a startup investment, mainly in high tech firms (HTF).
The proposed model is a suitable alternative for these kinds of projects since: (a) It uses the scenarios technique for estimating the displaced volatility because of the inexistence of mimic financial assets; (b) it allows forecasting negative values for the project because the model gives up the lognormal process, a key aspect in the abandon decision; (c) it permits sensitivity analysis using the displaced parameter and volatility.

Keywords: valuation, high tech firms, scenarios, real options, displaced binomial model.