Los diferenciales del éxito en los procesos de incubación Abstract

Nº 3 / 2012 - julio/septiembre

Los diferenciales del éxito en los procesos de incubación

Karla R. Giordano Martínez
Tecnológico de Monterrey


This article describes the background of business incubation models in the context of the Mexican government experience, considering the particular case of Tecnológico de Monterrey and including a review of the different incubation processes found in current literature. For the specific case of business incubators network of Tecnológico de Monterrey, a description of its objectives, model, and outcomes
obtained to date which have contributed to the establishment of an entire ecosystem of entrepreneurship within the Institute. The article also refers to the collaborative efforts conducted with partner universities of the Red Garum to identify best practices in their entrepreneurial models such as the formation through the business plan, the composition of advisory committees and their function, followup companies assisted and the use of virtual tools to support the process of incubation. The process of best practice identification is aimed to contribute to the international knowledge in business incubation.

Keywords: SMEs, Regional Development, Business Incubators Networks, Business Incubation Models, Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Best Practices in Business Incubation